EUA (European University Association)
Who are we?
The European University Association (EUA) represents more than 800 universities and national rectors’ conferences in 48 European countries. EUA plays a crucial role in the Bologna Process and in influencing EU policies on higher education, research and innovation. Through continuous interaction with a range of other European and international organisations, EUA ensures that the independent voice of European universities is heard.
Why we are participating in the project
EUA is an overarching European organisation, with a lot of experience in different fields of higher education and expertise in European projects, both as coordinator and as partner. They have produced numerous studies and reports. Their input for the desk research, an integral part of the MICROBOL project, will therefore be significant. EUA will also take part in all three working groups, given their broad expertise in all three fields.
Our role in the project
As a project partner, EUA’s main reponsibilities include:
- Participating in the International Steering Committee
- Determining the desk research methodology
- Conducting the desk research in collaboration with the experts
- Preparing the final desk research report
- Participating in the 3 Working Groups
Our Team

Tia Loukkola
Tia Loukkola is Director for the Institutional Development Unit, which encompasses various activities with particular focus on providing services and supporting EUA’s members: Institutional Evaluation Programme (IEP), EUA Solutions, EUA’s Annual Conference and the most recent addition, EUA’s Learning and Teaching activities. Ms Loukkola and her unit also are in charge of EUA’s quality assurance and rankings activities, which include organising the European Quality Assurance Forum and carrying out projects in the field of QA and representing EUA in various European level higher education and quality assurance policy discussions, including the E4 Group cooperation and having been co-author of the ESG 20155. Ms Loukkola represents EUA in the BFUG Bologna Implementation Coordination Group, Thematic Peer Group B on the Lisbon Recognition Convention and in Group C on Quality Assurance.
Before joining EUA in April 2008 she worked at the University of Turku for ten years in various capacities both in faculty and central administration. Most of her work was related to study and international affairs of the university, while she also gained experience in budgeting and human resources. Before moving to EUA, she worked as Planning Officer on strategic management and as Quality Manager of the University. Tia Loukkola holds a Master’s degree in French language and culture with minors in journalism, Spanish language and culture, and comparative literature from the University of Turku.

Elena Cirlan
Elena Cirlan is a Policy and Project officer in the Institutional Development Unit, where her work focuses mainly on quality assurance in higher education. Ms Cirlan contributes to the management of EUA’s Institutional Evaluation Programme (IEP) and to the coordination of the annual European Quality Assurance Forum (EQAF) as well as to the implementation of projects related to quality assurance.
Ms Cirlan holds a Bachelor’s degree from the Academy of Music, Theatre and Fine Arts (Moldova) and a Master’s degree from the University of Oulu (Finland). Prior to joining EUA in July 2018, Ms Cirlan worked in the field of music education and she also completed an internship in the Estonian quality assurance agency (EKKA).