Entries by MICROBOL

MICROBOL Kick-off conference report available

The Microbol kick-off report of the webinar and working groups has been made available on the Microbol Outputs page. The report summarizes the contributions of the wide variety of speakers during the webinar on 31 August 2020, as well as highlighting the challenges that have been identified during the working groups on 1 September 2020. […]

MICROBOL Desk Research Report

The MICROBOL Desk Research Report on micro-credentials is now available. This report is part of the MICROBOL project and examines the current status of micro-credentials, which have attracted interest in recent times as a means to increase the effectiveness and flexibility of higher education and to provide upskilling and reskilling opportunities for the labour force. The […]

MICROBOL Kick-off Conference 2020

The kick-off Conference of the MICROBOL project is the first in a series of meetings  that will evaluate the current practices and policies relating to micro-credentials. Specifically, this event will explore the links between Micro-credentials and the Bologna Key Commitments. The coordinator and partners of the MICROBOL-project kindly invite all BFUG members and the representatives […]